Sunday, May 30, 2010

#71 - Jewish Representation

Leaving off from my last post #70, the largest group of Jews who decide matters of the Torah is called the Sanhedrin. For the definiton of this word Sanhedrin, I refer you to the definition as I quote from

"P'siqta D'Rav Kahana (chapter 25), teaches that the first part of the word, "sin," referring to the Torah that was received at Mount "Sinai," was combined with the second part of the word, "hadrin," meaning, "glorification," to express the Great Court's role, the glorification of G-d's Torah through its application. Rabbi Ovadia Bartenura suggests an alternative meaning (commentary on Mishnah Sota, chapter 9, Mishnah 11). Also taking the term as a combination of two words to mean, son'im hadarath pan'im b'din, "foes (opposing litigants) give respect and honor to its judgment." Other commentators confirm his interpretation, suggesting further that the first letter was changed from "sin" to "samekh," at a later date (Tosofoth Yom Tov and the Maharal)."

Being that this week will be the conclusion of Daf Yomi, the daily Talmud study of a double sided page of Tractate Sanhedrin, and that the first Sanhedrin is mentioned in last week's Parshat B'Ha'alotcha, as well as Rashi's mention of "Sanhedraot" on this week's Parshat Shlach, it is a most opportune time to mention its unique role in Judaism.

Technically, there were two types of Sanhedrin. The "lower" Sanhedrin consisted of 23 judges, and the "higher" Sanhedrin consisted of 71 judges (and this is my 71st Post). As mentioned in Mishna Sanhedrin 1:5, only the Sanhedrin of 71 judges could serve the following functions:

*Judging a tribe, false prophet, high priest
*Giving a permit to fight a discretionary war
*Allowing an addition to the city of Jerusalem or the halls of the Temple
*Legalizing Sanhedraot for tribes
*Proclaming the status of a city that is called an Ir HaNidachas, in which the majority of its population worships idols, warranting its residents to be killed

Before getting into the technicalities of 71 judges of the Sanhedrin, it is most interesting to note that there are exactly 71 Mishnayot, or alternatively put as 71 Mishna paragraphs, of Tractate Sanhedrin!

Now, it seems that according to how the Torah describes the first Sanhedrin in last week's Parsha, there were 70 judges rather than 71. But our rabbis explain that in fact, there were 71, because "Moses was above them" meaning, that he was the head judge, making a total of 71. The reason why there had to be an odd amount of judges was so that if there was a difference of opinion deciding a case of Jewish law, there would not be the chance of being an even amount making it possible to be problematic to make a decision without a majority vote for either way.

The question can be asked, how come that when the Sanhedrin is being described, it doesn't make it clear from the start that in fact, Moses was the head judge over 70 judges. In fact, from the literal meaning of the Chumash that describes what took place here, they were in fact granted the status of prophets, rather than mentioning one word of them being judges. Moreover, when the rabbis describe this first Sanhedrin, they say "Moses was above them", rather than saying that he was the head or leader of them, as is normally mentioned in the Torah when someone is the Nasi, leader of a tribe?

As mentioned in the Rambam/Maimonides in the very first section of his magnum opus Mishne Torah entitled Hilchot Yesodei HaTorah, the Laws of the Foundations of the Torah, a prophet had to be of impeccable character before being granted a state of prophecy. And so while even as our rabbis state, "One who is wise in Torah is better than a prophet (who isn't quite in par in Torah learning)", encyclopedic knowledge of Torah in itself doesn't automatically qualify one to be a judge, to decide matters of Torah law, because without the proper character traits that the Torah demands of a person, he is liable to make the wrong decisions in Jewish law because he truly has no fear of Hashem, and will for power, money or political reasons, make the wrong decision sooner or later.

Thus, the Torah is telling us that this was not just a random group of learned Jews, but Jews who could display the right way of being an authentic Jew, to set a prime example of following Jewish law as part of Hashem's Torah. And if this was not enough, Moses - the ultimate role model par excellence - was the leader of THESE group of judges. Indeed, the word used for "(above) them" is Gabeihen, which is the Gematria of 70, as they were exactly 70 judges!

And now for a double wammy of Gematriot for the numbers 70 & 71 in the same Pasuk/sentence, a verse in Shir HaShirim/Song of Songs reads, "Your eyes are (like) doves", in literal translation. Based on Rashi's explanation, this is referring to the righteous leaders - the "eyes" of the generation - who are loyal as a dove, who have cleaved to Hashem like doves, who are faithful to their mates. The same word used for eyes, or eye in singular - Ayin - is also the name of the letter Ayin, and in turn, the letter Ayin is the Gematria of 70; and so while there were in fact 71 members of the Sanhedrin, the extra one was due to the fact that the amount of judges had to be an odd number. Bearing this in mind, the Gematria of Yona/Dove is 71! In fact, the Midrash Tanchuma (Parshat Tetzaveh, Paragraph 5) on this verse in Shir HaShirim states that the Sanhedrin is compared to a dove (using the single form which is the Gematria of 71, in contrast to the plural form), "just like the EYES about which the entire body follows the EYES, so do all the Jews follow the Sanhedrin who instruct them on what is impure or pure". And as we also know, the Jews are compared to a dove, as it is the only nation that is faithful to Hashem like a dove. Also in terms of Gematria, as there are 70 nations of the world, the Jewish nation is the 71st nation which was formed as a nation long after the 70 nations became formed.

Along these lines, just like the Jews are the superior of all the nations, so too, Moses was the superior of all the 70 judges, "and Moses was above them". It isn't that Moses simply had a nice honorary title of president like the way that one is elected to be a president of a company (unless he founded the company) or a country.
As great as the 70 judges of this first Sanhedrin was both in Torah learning and character traits, Moses excelled them all not only in Torah learning as he in fact learned everything from Hashem Himself, both also as "the most humble of people" (Numbers 12:3) as mentioned at the end of last week's Parsha immediately following the incident that included the appointment of these judges, as Miriam his sister questioned him being superior to other prophets.

And in another sense, the name Yonah/dove is also the name of one of the "Minor Prophets"/Trei Asar, the final book in the Nevi'im/Prophets section of the Tanach/Bible, which is read on the afternoon of Yom Kippur as the Haftora. Though Yonah originally disobeyed Hashem's orders to go to the city of Ninveh to warn the non-Jewish residents there to repent by running away on sea, his intention of not wanting the Jews who weren't on their best behavior at the time to look bad cannot be denied, because of an earlier incident in history when a non-Jewish king offered his oldest son as a sacrifice to his god which prompted Hashem to be angry at the Jews for not having that same level of self sacrifice of following the Torah. After all, the Jews are compared to a dove, so Yonah the prophet having this very name had strong feelings of love for his people as Moses was, who was willing to be erased from the entire Torah if the Jews would not have been forgiven for the sin of the Golden Calf.

Getting back to what I mentioned that the Sanhedrin are the EYES of the Jewish nation, the word for eyes in the singular form - Ayin - is the same Gematria as Sinai - 130, as indeed, the first part of the word Sanhedrin as part of its definiton is based on the word Sinai. Along these lines, we see that it was at the very next place immediately following the Jews leaving Mt. Sinai is where this first Sanhedrin was first appointed. Now that the Jews left the environs of Mt. Sinai where the Torah was given, showing their immediate misbehavior of complaining, showing their lack of faith in Hashem, it was imperative that they would be reminded that it is ONLY when following the laws of the Torah that were given at Sinai that they can hope that in turn that Hashem would follow their wants and needs.

If all the Jews would have been more concerned about following the laws of the Torah as following the orders of a king whom no one dares to question on pain of death, they would not have dared complained about Hashem having them travel or demand meat after already being granted Hashem's special daily ration of manna. Apparently, Moses' leadership didn't make enough of an impression on some of these Jews, in fact, some went so far as to suspect him of wrongdoing if not openly rebel against him. Hence, what they immediately needed was a major judicial system, who with Moses' leadership, would show that Hashem means business. They needed to show the people that as the Ayin/Eye=130 of the nation, the nation could see that these laws weren't just a way that Moses would have control over them, but that these laws came straight as Halacha L'Moshe M'Sinai - the Law of the Torah as Moses received it from (Mt.) Sinai=130. Then, and only then, as a total of 71 judges, as Yonah/dove is the Gematria of 71, the Jews who are compared to a dove would recall their relationship with Hashem as a dove's faithful relationship to its mate by following the laws as dictated by the Sanhedrin which is also compared to a dove.

One more question can be asked here. How come when the Midrash mentioned the Jews following the dictates of the Sanhedrin, it mentioned only the aspect of impure or pure which relate to the laws of purity, and not other examples such as permitted or forbidden which relate to the laws of the Sabbath for example, or kosher or unfit as pertaining to the laws of kosher food or sacrifices?

As we know, the Jews were given a period of seven weeks from after the Exodus until Matan Torah/Giving of the Torah to properly prepare themeselves to receive the Torah on the "fiftieth day" (when actually, they had 50 days to prepare since the giving of the Torah was delayed by one day). As our rabbis tell us, if the Jews would have remained in Egypt just a moment longer, they would have reached the 50th level of impurity, which would have made it impossible for them to ever get out of their impure state. Indeed, the word Tamei/impure is the Gematria of 50; and while the Jews did not reach that 50th level of impurity, they needed to rid themselves of their 49 levels of impurity - one level per day which would then qualify them to receive the Torah. As indicated by the letters of the word Tamei - Teit, Mem, Aleph
- the last letter of this word which is Aleph is the Gematria of one, signifying that it is this last 50th step of impurity which makes an impure state be permanent, G-d forbid. As we count the days of the Omer signifying this period between the first day of Passover - Exodus Day - until Shavuot - Giving of the Torah Day, the way we count the last day of the Omer - "Today is NINE & FORTY days, which is SEVEN WEEKS of the Omer", as the letters in Tamei is in order of Teit=NINE & Mem=FORTY.

Hence, it was imperative that this first Sanhedrin that Moses formed would immediately remind the Jews that leaving the area where they received the Torah would not signal the end of their schooling - the "graduation", but rather, their stay in this area was just the beginning of their new role as a Jewish nation which received the Torah for which they prepared themselves spirituality knocking off their levels of impurity and purifying themselves to receive the Torah. As Hashem's Chosen Nation, the Jews could only justify this title by remaining faithful to Hashem and His laws, like a dove is to its mate.

While unfortunately, Jews in the past thought that by imitating and being "friends" with the 70 non-Jewish nations, they would be treated well, only to learn the hard way, even at which some looked to blame G-d for what happened to them, denying His existance, it is only when Jews as the 71st nation who are compared to a Yonah/dove whose Gematria is 71 are faithful to Hashem and His laws that the nations have respect for us, and even when they try to harm us, Hashem is quick to stop them. And when we Jews set the example for the rest of the world, the non-Jews will themselves also adopt a better lifestyle of living a life of righteousness and justice.

And now for the Gematria of the word Sanhedrin, I had begun on my very first post with the mention of 669 Parshiyot or paragraphs - of the Chumash - with a division of space inbetween (Actually, as outlined in The Living Torah, an English translation on the Tanach, there seems to actually be 670 such Parshiyot, unlike the 669 number that will be found at the end of some Chumashim, but it seems to refer to the amount of spaced sections inbetween one such Parsha and another, but the end of the Chumash has no need for such spacing because it is the end of the scroll). There are two such spacings - one that is called Petucha - "Open" spacing which is a minimum of space of the equivalent of nine letters, and the other type that is called Setuma - "Closed" spacing which is a minimum of space of the equivalent of three letters. There are a total of 290 "open"
spacings and a total of 379 "closed" spacings.

In relationship to this, the Gematria of Sanhedrin is 379, the same number of the amount of "closed" spacings in the Chumash. As we know, the role of the Beit Din/Jewish court, of which the Sanhedrin was the highest form, was to clarify the laws of the Torah which were "closed" or "sealed" beforehand, since it was not clear beforehand was the correct Jewish law was in any given case. The Torah in Parshat Shoftim (Deutronomy 17) makes it very clear that we are supposed to follow the rulings of the Sanhedrin which was located for a long time in the Beit HaMikdash/Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Among the type of Halachic aspects mentioned about which the Sanhedrin decided on, was "between blood & blood", and as Rashi notes, this refers to the difference between impure blood and pure blood, like that of a woman who might be considered a Niddah, being menstrous, depending on the color, size, and type of cloth that the blood fell on.

In the Tachanun or supplicatory prayers that we recite every Monday & Thursday, we mention that the gentiles have "treated us detestable as the impurity of a Niddah". Of course when something happens to us Jews that is not pleasant, G-d forbid, we need to trace to the root of the problem. If we feel that we are treated as impurity, this means that we have been impure in our thoughts, speech, or actions, as Hashem pays everyone Midah K'neged Midah - measure for measure - which is both reward or punishment, and if we are lucky to be alive and breathing, to have a chance to see where we went wrong and to rectify it. As I had mentioned in previous blogs, including my recent post (#69), Obama being the 44th president of the United States has to do with Dam/blood(shed, being that Dam is the Gematria of 44. And a few weeks ago on Jerusalem Day, we entered the 44th year from the liberation of the holiest area in the world that is located in Jerusalem, which included the Temple grounds. And to note, this Jerusalem Day fell out in the midst of learning the Daf Yomi of Sanhedrin.

As we know, the Beit Din/Sanhedrin is the representation of Hashem being judges and deciders of Halacha/Jewish Law. If we obey or disobey the orders of the Jewish court, then this is how we are treating Hashem accordingly. And so, the only way we can hope - at least on an individual basis - of not being majorly affected by the dooming prophecies of Zechariah 14 which describes what will happen to the residents of Jerusalem in the war of Gog U'Magog, a.k.a. Obama, is to work on purifying ourselves spiritually from all the sins that we accumulated, the same way that people looking to get back to health from a disease do by purifying their bodies from all the toxins and waste that they accumulated over the years clogging their intestines which is the root of their illness. Hence, just as we purified ourselves for seven weeks from the Exodus until the day that the Torah was given, so too do we need to purify ourselves especially at this time which is more crucial than ever, before the gates of repentance are G-d forbid sealed, when the war of "impure blood" which is Obama will soon be fighting "pure blood" which refers to Jews, during which time, the ones who unfortunately behaved with the impurity of impure blood will be weeded out as fortold by today's Kabbalists and autistic people.

On a concluding note, the last chapter in the Talmud Sanhedrin which is currently being learned in Daf Yomi begins with Kol Yisrael "All Jews have a share in the world to come...", this phrase which precedes the learning of Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Fathers when learned on Shabbat afternoons between Passover & Rosh HaShana, which begins with "Moses received the Torah from Sinai". This chapter is one of the most popular parts of the Talmud as it includes whole pages about Moshiach - who he is, when he is coming, etc. In any case, the question can be asked, is it true that ALL Jews have a share in the world to come? What about those Jews who lived a life of doing evil without repenting? Why should they get reward, even if it won't be the same amount of reward as a righteous person receives?

First of all, almost all Jews have some good deeds on their record. While some Jews may unfortunately be sent to Gehinnom/Hell for their evil deeds if they weren't punished in this world, oftentimes, they then are eligible to receive their reward following their punishment. As is explained, ALL Jews indeed have a share in the reward of the world to come. However, the only question is - will they wind up with less of their share, or if living a most righteous life, receive an even greater share than what they have already by receiving the reward of other Jews who unfortunately were too evil to retain any of their original alloted share of that eternal bliss.

It's interesting to note that in fact, this last chapter of the Talmud is placed as the next of the last chapter in the Mishnah, the original set of learning before the Talmud, as the last two chapters of this tractate are in reverse. Perhaps the rabbis who formed the Talmud wanted to remind us that we have to remember our ultimate purpose in life, and that we have only until Moshiach comes to repent and better our ways, because once Moshiach comes, it will be too late. We have to remember that it is our ETERNAL reward that we are talking about, and whatever troubles and aches we have along the way, or what we feel we are missing, should not bother us if we keep in mind what really counts in the end, unlike the ones among the Jews who complained about traveling in the desert and demanded meat, instead of realizing that they were traveling to the Holy & Promised Land, and that they were eating manna, spiritual food.

Yes, the true life for a Jew isn't making a six-digit figure as a doctor or lawyer in the United States, to enjoy the pleasures of life from fine "kosher" dining to owning two of the lastest car models. At times, even those who supposedly are living a Torah way of life - including some rabbis who are living quite comfortably in the United States as pulpit rabbis - can loose track of what the Torah way of life is all about. Rashi on this week's Parshat Shlach points out in the story of the Meraglim, the evil spies who came back from visiting Israel who gave a scary report, that it was the Sanhedraot, the justices of Jewish law who raised their voices complaining of their "terrible" situation as per the spies' report, causing the Jews to be cry babies, which resulted in them dying in the desert instead of entering the Land, and that night that they cried - Tisha B'Av - became the date of some of the worst tragedies of the Jewish people.

True JEWISH REPRESENTATION is following what the Moses of the generation says, because unfortunately, there were times in Jewish history when even what was supposed to be a group of authentic Jewish judges misled the Jewish nation. It is the true Jewish leader, the Moses who doesn't attempt to be different in the guise of outward appearance, who truly represents what the Torah tells us to do. And just as the dove who showed Noah when coming back to the Ark with an olive leaf signifying that it would rather have bitter food from Hashem than good tasting food from people; so too, Jews as compared to the dove need to realize that it is only in Israel that one can truly live as a Jew, even if one will not live quite financially in G-d's Land as well as in one's birth country, for it is only in Israel that one truly lives in the proximity of Hashem, away from the 70 nations who attempt to divert us from our true mission in life. And as the recent Sanhedrin of 71 rabbis in Israel which was formed five years ago, (check out has not been afraid to address issues which may not be to the liking of a government that attempts to rule Jews with its anti-Torah laws and decrees, we are living closer than ever in this period of exile from nearly 2,000 years ago when the Romans burnt our last Temple, to the time when Hashem will return us to our former state of spirituality and glory, as we say in the daily Shemoneh Esrei (except for the Sabbath and major Jewish holidays) "Return our judges as it was originally (in our Jewish history)..."

18 Sivan 5770

P.S. The timing of this post is 3:58 PM, and Moshiach, a major topic discussed in the chapter of Daf Yomi which is currently being learned worldwide, as mentioned in this post, is the Gematria of 358.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

#70 - KING in the Last MILLENIUM

Don't have much time now as it is shortly before Shavuot when writing is forbidden, but I feel that I have to at least start writing this 70th Post. You see, a short time ago, I read the part in the holiest part of the Zohar called Tikkunei Zohar, referring to the 70 rectifications of the Zohar based on the first word of the Torah - Bereishit (In the Beginning).

As I did last year, I learn a Daf of Tikkunei Zohar every day from Lag Baomer - 18 Iyar, the Yahrzeit of the author of the Zohar - Rabbi Shimon Ben Yochai (or Rashbi for short) through the 4th day of Succot - 18 Tishrei which is the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Among the connection between these two big Tzadikim/righeous people, is that both passed away on the 18th of a month, their names Shimon Ben Yochai & Nachman Ben Simcha each have the same Gematria - 553; and as the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov whose name Nachman is the Gematria of 148, his Yahrzeit is the 148th day from Rashbi's Yahrzeit! Hence, the fact that there are 148 Dafim (double side pages as printed in the first official publication of the Tikkunei Zohar) highlights the connection between Rashbi and Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, and thus learning the 148th & final Daf on Rabbi Nachman's Yahrzeit whose name is the Gematria of 148 cannot be said to be a mere coincidence. In turn, Rabbi Nachman in his introductory paragraph right before the beginning of his magnum opus, the Likkutei Moharan, mentions the hint to Rashbi in the Torah. Hence, both the Tikkunei Zohar and the Likutei Moharan hint to the name of the author of the other holy book.

And if this was not enough, it is in the SEVENTIETH Torah of the first part of the Likkutei Moharan where the birthday of its author Rabbi Nachman - Rosh Chodesh Nissan is mentioned, just as there are SEVENTY Tikkunim of the Zohar. And as far as today - the LAST day of the Sephirah - is concerned, the portion that I learned which is called "The other (2nd) introduction to the Tikkunei Zohar (the 70 Tikkunim)" near the conclusion of this 17th Daf of the Tikkunei Zohar corresponding to today, which is the 17th day from Lag Baomer, it mentions that "Rabbi Shimon opened his discourse saying "In the beginning, G-d created" (Genesis 1:1) "The secret of Hashem to those who fear Him and His covenant He makes known to them" (Psalms 25:14) - Sod/Secret (The word Sod being the Gematria of 70) these are the SEVENTY facets through which the word Bereishit is explained".

Hence, as per my learning of the Tikkunei Zohar, the actual start of the learning of the 70 Tikkunim based on the first word of the Torah "Bereishit" begins on Shavuot, the holiday on which we received the Torah which begins with the word Bereishit. And among the names for this holiday that the Torah gives, one of them is Atzeret, which literally means retreat - a one (or two days outside of Israel) retreat from our regular workweek, which begins with the letter Ayin, being the Gematria of SEVENTY.

Similarly, as a side note as it relates to the above - the name of the LAST tractate of Mishnayot which is called Uktzin - which refers to the stem of plants in terms of Halacha/Jewish Law as they relate to impurity - begins with the letter Ayin, which is the Gematria of SEVENTY.

And to note, Rabbi Nachman's first wife passed away on this very day - 5 Sivan - Erev Shavuot, the 49th and concluding day of the Sefirah, corresponding to the spiritual Sephira of Malchut She'B'Malchut - Kingdom within Kingdom. As Malchut is the Gematria of 496, I am presently in my 496th month of life, beginning days ago on Rosh Chodesh Sivan, which marks the very day that the Jews arrived at Mt. Sinai to receive the Torah (NOTE: I was born in Mt. Sinai Hospital in Miami Beach). Hence, this day - 5 Sivan - of Malchut She'B'Malchut is especially related to me this year.

Will continue, G-d willing, in the coming week following Shavuot when I will elaborate on the connections between the concept of 70, the aspect of King, and which Millenium that I am referring to (there are two of them).

5 Sivan 5770, 49th & Final Day of the Sephira

Continuing on now on the last of the seven days of what is called Shivat Yemai Tashlumin, the seven days from Shavuot through 12 Sivan during which time, the holiday sacrifice could be brought in the Temple, like Passover & Succot during which it could be brought during these week long holidays, this is an excellent time to continue on the above theme.

As I had mentioned last about the concept of Malchut/Kingdom being noted three times - Malchut She'B'Malchut in my 496th month of life being that Malchut is the Gematria of 496, there are two places where this concept of Malchut is mentioned three times. First, in some prayer books which I believe is originally mentioned in the Zohar, it states Hashem Melech - Hashem Malach - Hashem Yimloch Leolam Vaed
"Hashem is King, Hashem was King, and Hashem will be King forever and forever". And then in the very last Psalm in Tehillim/Book of Psalms which is mentioned as attributed to King David who was born and passed away on Shavuot, which is the famous Ashrei prayer recited three times daily, it states (Psalms 145:12-13) "...and the glorious splendor of His kingdom. Your kingdom is a kingdom spanning all eternities..."

It's interesting to note that this Psalm's verses each begin in order of the letters of the Alef Beit except for the letter "Noon" which is omitted (besides the reason given for this in the Talmud, it could hint to the fact that as the last Psalm mentioned to the attributeship of King David, he passed away on Shavuot which is called the "50th day" being it's the 50th day from the start of Sefirat HaOmer/Count of the Omer, and the letter "Noon" is the Gematria of 50). With this being said, the second of the verses that is mentioned here in connection with kingdom begins with a Mem - Malchutcha/Your KINGDOM, which can also hint to the fact that King David, as author of this Psalm, was the first king of the Davidic dynasty who reigned for 40 years, being that the letter Mem is the Gematria of 40. Accordingly, as Moses, the one who taught the Torah to the Jewish people, was their leader for 40 years, and is in fact called a king, as the verse "There was a king in Jeshurun..." (Deutronomy 34:5) hints to, and his name begins with a Mem=40.

Speaking of kingdom being mentioned three times, in Talmud Shabbat 88a where the details of the Torah being given on Shavuot is mentioned, it states that "The Torah of thirds (Torah, Prophets, Writings) was given to a people of thirds (Cohen, Levy, Yisrael) through one who was born third in his family (Moses) on the 3rd day of abstinence from women (6 Sivan being the 3rd of these days) of the 3rd month (Sivan)." And to note, when Hashem first spoke to Moses upon the Jews arriving at Mt. Sinai, He called us Mamlechet Cohanim V'Goy Kadosh "A kingdom of priests and a holy nation".


While Hashem has always been king, not everyone always acknowledged it or have yet to acknowledge it. Even among the nations who say they believe in G-d, so many of them hate Hashem's Chosen People, even as the Bible says straight out the boundries of Israel which was given to us, but they shut their Bibles (to be specific, the Old Testament part of it) on this page and declare that we are terrorizing the poor "Palestinians" and "occupying" the West Bank, which is clearly part of Israel's territories as mentioned in the Bible. Numerous millions of Jews were murdered in Jesus' name, which just comes to show that in effect, Christians who have hated Jews through murdering us via the sword to forced baptisim, to missionary conversion, really consider Jesus, rather than G-d, as king, while calling him "G-d's son".

While the real Messiah will reveal himself in this 6th millenium of the world's existance of which only 230 years are left, during which time, the whole world that is left after G-d punishes the evildoers will acknowledge Him being King, it will be only in the entire 7th millenium continuing on forever that everyone will acknowledge Him as King. And as there are seven spritual emanations (Sephirot) as related to action, the last of these is Malchut/Kingdom, hence corresponding to Shabbat - the 7th day of the week, and the 7th millenium when the world will become desolate of inhabitation following the six milleniums of the world's existance. Indeed, these facts which I just mentioned are contradicted by the Christian calendar which states the year as 2010 as though the period of time before Jesus was born means nothing and that Sunday - Church Day - is considered the end of the week as opposed to the holy Sabbath which begins on Friday evening and concludes on Saturday evening.

And while one may argue stating that both Judaism & Christianity believes in a Messiah; forgetting even who is considered the Messiah, the key difference here is that the Christians consider Jesus, whom they believe as the Messiah, as a god, or part of G-d. And while there are rabbis who state that non-Jews are in fact allowed to believe in what is called the Trinity since the verse states Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad "Hear O Israel, Hashem is our G-d, Hashem is One" (Deutronomy
6:4), thus stating that it is only Jews who are obligated to believe in only one
G-d with no partnership, it's the fact that the Christians who attempted to convert Jews all through the last two milleniums is what the big sin here is. In fact, ours is the only religion which states that even those (non-Jews) who do not practice our religion can still go to Heaven if they observe the "Seven Laws of Noah".

But perhaps the most rediculous claim of Christianity is right from the start of the New Testament which traces Jesus' parental line to King David, thus claiming his rights as the Messiah as Christians also know that the Messiah is destined to be a descendant of King David. However, in claiming Jesus to be a god, the New Testament also claims that he was born through Divine Matriculation, which means that his mother Mary's husband John could not have been Jesus' father, and hence "G-d is the Father, and Jesus is the Son". Now, let the Pope & Vatican figure out once and for all as to who was the father of Jesus, and then decide whether Jesus is a god or the Messiah. Thank You!

In any case, while the Chumash/Penteteuch/Five Books of Moses is the most important part of the Tanach/Bible, no doubt that the most popular book of the Bible - to both Jews & (L"Havdil) Christians - is Tehillim/Psalms, as it is also a book of prayers, the bulk of which was composed by King David who combined it with Psalms composed by other Biblical figures, and in time, became composed of 150 Psalms, the Book of the Bible with the most chapters.

As the last of the Shiva Ro'im "Seven Shepherds", who are the Ushpizin/Heavenly Guests of Succot, King David corresponds to the last of the seven Sephirot which is Malchut/Kingdom, and Shabbat - the last of the seven days, which was indeed the day of the week on which he passed away on. Hence, it was most fitting that it should be King David of all people to be the compiler of the Book of Psalms, praising G-d and describing G-d as being King, since he himself knew what it was like to be a king.

Now, the Midrash states "There is no king without a nation". This is primarily why the Torah was not officially given until the Jews became a nation and accepted G-d as King over them, as the beginning of the Ten Commandments, the foundation of the 613 Mitzvot/Commandments of the King, states "I am Hashem, your G-d". Even so, Adam as G-d's first human creation, declared G-d as his King right from the start, stating "Come, let us prostrate and bow, let us kneel before G-d our Maker" (Psalm
95:6), using all three forms of physical submission to G-d as performed in the Temple
acknowledging G-d as King as performed in front of an earthly king. (Note: This verse is in Psalm 95, and HaMelech/THE King is the Gematria of 95!)

With this being said, the very first word of the 24th and final book of the Tanach - Divrei HaYomim/Chronicles (NOT the Old Testament which treats Malachi as the last of 39 books) is Adam. As I had mentioned in past posts, the first letter of Adam's name
as mentioned here is spelled as a large Aleph. Among other reasons given for this, I had mentioned that as a large Aleph, it signifies the other Gematria of Aleph which is usually the number one. In this instance, it can also refer to the Gematria of 1000, as placed in front of a number. This signifies the fact that when Hashem told Adam that "on the day that you eat from the Tree of Knowledge, you will die". Now technically, when Adam ate the forbidden fruit, he was really supposed to die on that day. However, Hashem in His infinite mercy interpreted His own statement of one day to mean a 1,000 years as "A thousand years in Your eyes is like yesterday" (Psalms 90:4), and alloted 1,000 years to Adam. However, when Hashem showed Adam his future descendants featuring King David as living for only three hours, it didn't add up for his future accomplishments. Hence, Adam awarded 70 years of his own life to King David. Indeed, it has been said that the letters of Adam - Aleph, Dalet, Mem - spell the names Adam - DAvid - Messiah.

As it relates to Shavuot, the first of the Ten Commandments is the belief in the existance of Hashem. An example of displaying this Mitzva is the acceptance of what is called Ohl Malchut Shamayim - the yoke of the Heavenly Kingdom. As I already mentioned here about Malchut being the Gematria of 496, the other two words of this phrase Ohl/yoke & Shamayim/heaven(ly) when added together is also the Gematria of
496. Also, the first word Ohl is the Gematria of the name of the letter Noon, and in turn, the letter Noon is the Gematria of 50, hinting to the "50th day" referring to Shavuot when we received the Torah which began with the Ten Commandments starting from this very concept.

And as related to this year, the first letter of this phrase Ohl Malchut Shamayim - is Ayin, the last letter of the number of this Hebrew year. Indeed, it has been mentioned that the word Shema, the first word of the Mitzva of reading the twice daily Shema, beginning the verse "Hear O Israel, Hashem is our G-d, Hashem is One" (Deutronomy 6:4) - contains the letters Shin, Mem, Ayin - beginning the letters of the phrase Ohl Malchut Shamayim in reverse. In any case, the Ayin of the word Shema in the Sefer Torah is BIG in comparison to the other letters, just as the first letter of the Torah which is a Beit is also BIG.


While I already mentioned the first and last periods of 1,000 years, I am actually referring to another slot of a thousand years, that is, the last 1,000 that has just happened. While I am very surprised that except for a mention or two of this on the internet, and not mentioning anything of holding a thousand year anniversary, there is something most significant that took place exactly 1,000 years ago during the month of Sivan. It was in Sivan 4770 (1010) that for the first time in history, the
first Tanach was written complete with vowels and cantillation notes, popularly known as the Codex. You see, in a Sefer Torah/Torah Scroll, you only see letters, as the vowels and cantillation notes had to be memorized as part of the Torah She'B'Al Peh/Oral Torah. This was compiled together by someone named Aharon Ben Moshe Ben Asher, whose version of the Tanach is quoted by the Rambam/Maimonides in his Hilchot Sefer Torah - The Laws of a Torah Scroll.

As a side note, it can be said that the internet is the vowels and cantillation notes of communication, the information superhighway that has changed lives - for the better or worse - forever. The reason that I thought to say this is that the first letter for vowels in Hebrew is Nekudot, and the first letter for cantillation notes in Hebrew is Te'amim, which together spell the word Net, as referring to the internet as used in Modern Hebrew! And it is on my 41st day of my 41st year that I am writing this, as the word Blog in Hebrew is the Gematria of 41.

Now, while we may not know the exact date that the conclusion of this Codex was written in the month of Sivan, we do know that we received the Torah on this month.
While I do not know how long it will take for the word to spread on the net and elsewhere, for after all, I only have so much time between being married, working, and writing my blogs, I felt that it was about time to start reading a daily chapter of the Bible, beginning with the holiday of Shavuot when we received the Torah, right from Chapter 1 of Bereishit/Genesis. I launched this on Shavuot night when I read aloud the first chapter of the Bible - which deals with the six days of creation - at the conclusion of the holiday meal in front of my wife Yael.

Now, for those who may consider themselves B'nei Torah, living a more observant Jewish life as reflected from learning in Yeshiva as opposed to college for some, this may sound very non-Jewish. After all, at least with the Chumash, we have it divided according to Parshiyot which we learn in its entirety every year. The system of chapters in the Bible as we see them today in fact did not take place for another over 500 years until 1524-5 when Daniel Bomberg, a non-Jew, divided the Bible accordingly with the recent invention of the printing press (NOTE: The number one printed book in history is the Bible (particularly the Old Testament part of it as Jews don't read the New Testament) - and by the way, NOT the Koran). While his division of the chapters of the Bible do not reflect the Masoretic division as Parshiyot, there are some amazing hints to Torah concepts which are hinted by the number of the chapter and/or verse as I have demonstrated in past blogs. After all, Hashgacha Pratit/Divine Providence is in every step of the way in the actions of this
world, especially the Bible, the number one printed book in world history. And by the way, the famous Daf Yomi, the daily learning of the double sided page of the Talmud, is printed the way that it was originally set up - by a non-Jew!

But don't worry, there are only 187 chapters in the Chumash, so in half a year's time, I will have read the entire English translation of it - something that I normally do not do when I read and learn the weekly Parsha in Hebrew. And perhaps reading it like this, I will come up at times with another perspective or question on what I am reading. And then there are 742 chapters of the rest of the Tanach, also known as Nach - Nevi'im/Prophets & Ketuvim/Writings; hence, a total of 929 chapters, of which the daily learning of a chapter a day can be finished within three years. And while there are in fact more than one daily schedules of a chapter of Tanach, or at least the Nach part of it, I found it most significant to begin learning a daily chapter of Tanach on the 1,000th anniversary of the fully annotated Tanach, launching this on the day that we received the Torah, right from Genesis Chapter 1.

Indeed, Rashi points out that the very first word of the Torah - Bereishit - can be read to mean Bishvil Torah, "FOR THE SAKE OF THE TORAH, G-d created the heavens and the earth". And as the very last Rashi on this first chapter notes, among the reasons that unlike the other days of the week when it says "One Day, Second Day, etc", for the sixth day, it says "THE sixth day", because it hints to THE sixth day of Sivan which was the date that was slated for the Jews in the future nearly 2,450 years later to receive the Torah, and it was considered only at the time that the Torah was given that the world was only created then, because had the Jews not accepted the Torah, the world would have returned to its original state of being "void and empty". (Note: Based on the discussion in the Talmud about the date of Matan Torah/Giving of the Torah, it seems that in fact that it happened on the
7th of Sivan, on Shabbat, because Moses asked Hashem to allow one more day for the Jews to prepare for this momentous occasion. Perhaps this is what it means when Rashi says here about Yom HaShishi "THE sixth day" "which was PREPARED for Matan Torah" but in fact was another PREPARATION day for the Jews to be totally sanctified and purified to receive the Torah under the right circumstances).

Speaking of the chapters and verses being divided through Divine Providence, perhaps even the non-Jewish year of when the first complete Tanach was finished written - Year 1010 - could have significance here. You see, our rabbis tell us that there is in fact a parallel between the 10 Statements through which the world was created, of which the word Bereishit is considered the first of these 10 Statements, and the 10 Commandments which actually in Hebrew - Aseret HaDibrot - means the 10 Statements! And as per the previous paragraph, the world which was created by G-d's 10 Statements existed only because of the Jews in the future who received the Torah, of which the foundation Mitzvot of it - The 10 Commandments - was given on Shavuot. And by the way, the non-Jewish/Christian year, while based on when Jesus was born, in fact seems to have been in error in regard to this fact, as you will see in encyclopedias placing his birth at 4 B.C. or 6 B.C., but by the time that the Christians realized their mistake, it was a bit too late to change the number of the year. Indeed, true Divine Providence here!

Another concept as related to 10-10 is how you will see Hashem's name written in some sources, as two letter Yuds - as the letter Yud is the Gematria of 10 - written next to each other. As a Chasidic Rebbe pointed out, it is only when two Yuds - as two Yidden (Jews) who are next to each other in friendship - are next to each other horizontally - that Hashem's name is considered holy. Indeed, as Rashi notes on the Jews arrival at Mt. Sinai when the Torah says Vayichan Sham Yisrael - The Jews encamped there, the word Vayichan being in the singular, as they came "as one man, with one heart". Indeed, there is a statement in the Zohar that states which today is a song, Yisrael V'Oraita V'Kudsha Brich Hu Chad Hu "The Jews, the Torah & the Holy One Blessed Be He are One". While indeed Hashem is only One G-d, this statement is speaking of the great union and unity that there is between G-d who gave the Torah to the Jews, as a man who gives a marriage contract to his wife-to-be.

Now, as Hashem's main name begins with a Yud, the Jews' name Yisrael begins with a Yud, and the Torah's foundation principles are the Ten Commandments as the letter Yud is the Gematria of 10, when you multiply these three tens - 10*10*10 - it equals, presto! ONE THOUSAND!

And speaking of the name Yisrael which is the very last word of the Chumash, and as Rashi also notes on Yom HaShishi, the letter Hei of HaShishi - THE - is the Gematria of five, as there are five books to the Chumash that the Jews received on the "6th day of Sivan", there is a most famed rabbi whose name was also Yisroel who passed away 250 years ago on this very date of the 6th of Sivan - the Ba'al Shem Tov (literally, "Owner of a good name")! As founder of the Chasidic movement that forever changed the character of the Jewish people, he instilled hope in so many Jews who were devastated by the Anti-Semitic exile and attacks in Europe. And lo and behold - his name and title "Yisroel Ba'al Shem Tov" is the exact Gematria of 1,000! Indeed, a most special time to begin reading a daily chapter of the Tanach, marking 1000 years from when it was first completely written out with Nekudot/vowels and Te'amim/cantillation notes, just like the Ba'al Shem Tov who introduced Torah to Jews as Nekudot/points - pointers highlighting the positive side of Judaism, and as Te'amim/tastes - bringing out the good taste of Judaism.

Speaking of the LAST word of the Torah/Chumash and the name of the Ba'al Shem Tov who passed away on Shavuot, the anniversary of the giving of the Torah, adding the numbers of the Gematria of the name Yisrael - 541, and 70 - the number of the Tikkunim of Rashbi based on the FIRST word of the Torah, the total is 611, which is the Gematria of the word TORAH!

And while I am at it, I would like to point out to a website that is dedicated to the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov - or Enjoy.

I am reminded of a Midrash that notes on the words as found both in Psalms and Chronicles, Davar Tziva L'Eleph Dor "It (the Torah) is a thing that Hashem commanded to the 1000th generation" that there were 974 generations before the world was created, and then Hashem gave the Torah to the 26th generation (that is, Moses who taught the Torah to the Jews was the 26th generation in parental descent from Adam), since this world's existance (NOTE: There is much discussion in Kabbala about worlds being created and destroyed in reference to the above 974 generations, but this is beyond the scope of this post). And being that this Shavuot marked the 250th Yarhzeit of the Ba'al Shem Tov, the number 250 is the Gematria of the word Ner/Candle, as it says in Mishlei/Proverbs, Ner Mitzva V'Torah Ohr "The Commandment is the candle, and the Torah is the light". And it was on Shavuot that the Ten Commandments as representative of the 613 Mitzvot/Commandments that are compared to a
Ner/Candle, was given on Shavuot.

Speaking of which, I have a set of Chasidic commentary on the Chumash called Peninei HaTorah, of which the very first thing is what the letters of the word Bereishit can spell as the first words of a phrase, quoting a Sefer called Igra D'Kalla - Ohr Torat Rabbi Yisrael Ba'al Shem "Light of the Torah of Rabbi Yisrael Ba'al Shem"! By the way, along the lines, it can also be said for the letters of Bereishit to also begin the words that spell - Ohr Torat Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai "Light of the Torah of Rabbi Shimon son of Yochai" as indeed, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi) composed 70 explanations on the word Bereishit!

By the way, as I began this post speaking about Rabbi Nachman of Breslov and his connection with Rashbi, I should note that he was the great grandson of the Ba'al Shem Tov. And as this Shavuot marked 250 years from the passing of the Ba'al Shem Tov, the Hebrew number for 250 is Reish Noon, which can also spell the beginning letters of the words Rabbeinu Nachman, as Breslover followers of Rabbi Nachman refer to as such. Indeed, of all the Chasidic movements, it is Breslov that most closely resembles the original intent of the Ba'al Shem Tov in founding the Chasidic movement. For example, it is a big Mitzva for a Jew to always be happy - especially in serving Hashem, never giving up hope, and reaching out to Jews regardless of their spiritual level without a judgmental attitude.


It seems that the world began with and will end spiritual and physical world suffering with the number seventy. Just note the connection of 70 throughout the period of history.

As Shavuot is the holiday of the giving of the Torah, it should be noted that Moses explained the Torah in SEVENTY languages (besides Hebrew). That way, should a Jew ever get lost in exile, he could always refer to the Torah to keep oneself afloat.
And as I mentioned earlier, the first complete Tanach with vowels and cantillation notes was finished being written in 4770, the year ending with the number 70 (SEVENTY)!

There are numerous references in the Zohar to the number 70, as especially related to the Torah, including the piece of Zohar learned in the Tikkun Leil Shavuot, a compilation of Torah learning for Shavuot night, which mentions 70 crowns of the Torah. Without going through an exhaustive list, the most notable one of them is the fact that Rashbi composed 70 explanations on Bereishit - the first word of the Torah. And in Tikkun 70, the last of the 70 Tikkunim of the Tikkunei Zohar, it mentions about rabbis learning on Shavuot night, and towards the very end, it mentions about Adam giving 70 years of his life to King David - who was born and passed away on Shavuot, as I wrote earlier in this post.

As the Talmud notes, Hashem sends the cure before the blow. The Torah is the ultimate spiritual, and quite often - also a physical, cure of what bad things, G-d forbid, happen to us. Note how the number 70 comes up in every exile of the Jewish people.

To begin with, Abraham, at the age of SEVENTY, had a vision in which Hashem appeared to him, relating to him the future bad news of Jews being in exile. The first exile of the Jews beginning their descent to Egypt as a family of 70 people (besides their wives) would last for 210 years, a multiple of SEVENTY: 210=70*3, until the Exodus. Then, the Jews were exiled to Babylonia upon the destruction of the First Temple for a period of SEVENTY years. The destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans took place in 3828, which is the non-Jewish year 68. How interestingly, the non-Jews insist to this day that this took place in the year 70 (SEVENTY)! After all, there are - at least as of a few hundred years after Noah's children had families following their year in Noah's Ark - 70 nations of the world. And at the end of our exile, at the turn of the coming of Moshiach which is just about to happen - Gog U'Magog - whose Gematria is SEVENTY - will be fighting us. As I mentioned in my previous post how Obama who is shown to be Gog in the Hidden Codes of the Torah, he is going to rouse ALL the nations of the world to fight Israel. And this year, which began the final phase of Chevlei Moshiach/Birthpangs of the Messiah, which I proved through the Hidden Codes of the Torah which happened on the last day of Succot
of this year 5770 when Obama was nominated for the Nobel "peace" prize, now giving him the green light to tell the world to fight Israel, and this Hebrew year ends with the number 70 (SEVENTY)! And as exile represents suffering to the Jewish people, King David's SEVENTY years was full of suffering. Hence, it is no wonder why Jews of all walks of life feel a connection to King David's Book of Psalms.

Unlike most of the 70 members of Jacob's family who descended to Egypt were men (besides their wives), the only two women included in this count of 70 was Serach Bat Asher, who knew the secret code of the one (Moses) who would declare the redemption of the Jews from Egypt and also knew the whereabouts of Joseph's grave which would otherwise hold the Jews back from leaving Egypt due to an oath Joseph's family made to take Joseph's bones from Egypt; and Yocheved who was literally the SEVENTIETH person as she was born just as they were entering the environs of Egypt. It's interesting to note that Rabbi Akiva, in a lecture to his students, referred to Yocheved as the mother of 600,000 people, being that her son Moses was the leader of the Jews who consisted of 600,000 men from the age of 20 at the time of the Exodus. And in connection to this, the letters of the word Yisrael begin the phrase Yesh Shishim Ribo Otiyot LaTorah - "There are 60 myriads (600,000) of letters in the Torah". While there are in fact only 304,805 letters in the Sefer Torah/Chumash, without getting into details of this discrepancy which is beyond the scope of this post, the point is that each Jew has a share in the Torah, regardless of his level of Torah knowledge.

Indeed, the number 70 is related to Hashem, the Jews, the Torah, & Jerusalem. As mentioned in Midrash Zuta on Shir HaShirim, each one of these has SEVENTY names!


As it is now 7:00 PM, the last hour of the SEVENTH and final day of the Shivat Y'mei Tashlumin as I mentioned earlier in this post, I would like to conclude on good notes here.

First, on this day of 12 Sivan, I learned Genesis Chapter 7. The beginning of this chapter relates that G-d told Noah to invite SEVEN pairs of pure animals into the Ark. Now, as we know as Jews, pure animals means kosher animals. But, if Noah wasn't Jewish, then how did he know? Rashi tells us that we learn from here that Noah learned Torah. Yes, Noah learned his Bible, and instead of shutting it due to prejudices like some Christians who shut their Bibles when they don't want to see Jews "settling" the land disallowing "Palestinian" terrorists from living there, learned how to live a good godly life which saved himself and his immediate family from perishing in the Flood. Anyways, the concluding verse of this Chapter is "The waters (of the Flood) remained over the earth for 150 days." To note, there are 150 Chapters in the Book of Psalms composed by King David.

While the BIG Aleph in Adam's name, the first word of the 24th and final book of the Tanach signifies the shortened life that he was given following eating of the forbidden fruit, the first letter of The Ten Commandments is the first letter of the Aleph Beit - Aleph, beginning the word Anochi - "I am Hashem your G-d".

And speaking of the number 24, today is the 24th day from Lag Ba'Omer - 18 Iyar, Yahrzeit of Rashbi. (Accordingly, Shavuot - 6 Sivan, the Yahrzeit of the Ba'al Shem Tov, is the 18th day from 18 Iyar - the Yahrzeit of Rashbi.) Hence, as per what I wrote at the beginning of this post, today I learned the 24th Daf of the Tikkunei Zohar. Right from the start, "...your composition (the Zohar) WHEN (KAD - Aramaic for when and also spells the number 24) it will be revealed to this world in the last generation at the end of days, of which it says "You shall declare freedom in the land..." (Leviticus 25:10). Elijah (the prophet) opened his discourse saying "WHEN (KAD) the Sabbath and Holidays are over, and Jews are under the rule of Samael (Satan) & the SEVENTY nations, oppressing the Jews..." which about concludes Tikkun Number SIX.

Now, there are 24 periods of 250 years that total the 6,000 years of this world's existance. Now, the Hebrew year 5750/5751 which marked the beginning of the 24th period of 250 years, the beginning of the conclusion of the SIXTH Millenium, marked the fall of Communism which allowed millions of Jews to be FREE to leave Russia for Israel and the United States, as well as freedom of religion within that country, allowing many Jews to become observant Jews, indeed "You shall declare FREEDOM in the land". According to Kabbalists, this marked the beginning of the period of Kibbutz Galuyot, the ingathering of the exiles that we mention in our daily prayers.
But also, we Jews will be oppressed at the very end of our exile as predicted by the Zohar here - by the 44th president of the United States, and as the 44th word of the Torah is V'LaChoshech "For the darkness", this word is the same Gematria as HaSatan -364, and the word SATAN is mentioned in Obama's subliminal messages when recordings of his such as "Yes, I can" is played in reverse, as I wrote about in my 44th Post -
"Messages in REVERESE Wording" (Sep 2009), as well as playing the role of Gog as in Gog U'Magog, the Gematria of SEVENTY. How chilling!

Then, in the beginning of Tikkun Number SEVEN, it states, "Woe is to Samael (Satan), WHEN (KAD) Hashem will redeem the Divine Presence and the Jews, and will exact revenge from the SEVENTY nations who oppressed the Jews in exile, and will show them the reward they would have had had they honored the Jews instead".

Now, the name of the holiday of Shavuot literally means WEEKS, and is cognate of the word Sheva or Shiva, which means SEVEN. And as this holiday is sometimes called Chag HaShavuot, the word HaShavuot includes the letters of this Hebrew year 5770 - Hei Tav Shin Ayin, which is the holiday of the birthday and passing of King David. Accordingly, Hoshanot - the word for the ritual on Succot of taking the Arba Minim/Four Species and circling the podium on which the Sefer Torah is read, also includes the letters of this Hebrew year, and it is on the SEVENTH and last day of Succot on which we especially honor the Ushpizin/Heavenly Guest of King David in our Succah, that we encircle the podium SEVEN times, unlike the first six days of Succot when we do so only once each day. And as we know, Moshiach will be a descendant of King David. And as I mentioned earlier about 24 period of 250 years each, the 250th Yarhzeit of the Ba'al Shem Tov was this Shavuot 5770. Hence, let's hope that this is truly the year of our redemption!

These last 1,000 years since the first complete Tanach was finished being written, known as the Codex, while the Jews went through much suffering in exile, this Tanach made it a little easier for the Jewish nation, knowing that despite everything we have gone through, Hashem doesn't forget us, and not only we haven't vanished or lost the Torah writings of the past like the lost civilizations of the vast might empires of ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Greece, and Rome, we have more written Torah, more Jewish holy books, than ever in history! Even the Holocaust couldn't keep us down from continuing Jewish life in all remote parts of the world. Yes, the Hebrews - whose Hebrew word begins with the letter Ayin whose Gematria is SEVENTY, are well and alive, and despite the rule of the very end of the exile as predicted in the Pirkei D'Rabbi Eliezer, of the Aravim/Arabs, whose letter also begins with an Ayin=SEVENTY, in a world whose world leader is Obama, a Muslim Arab. But Hashem will soon show him, as mentioned in the Tanach, that Hashem is the KING of the world,
as written throughout the Tanach that has been complete with vowels and cantillation notes IN THE LAST MILLENIUM, in this past 1,000 years.

Actually, the ultimate country with world power among today's nations is Rome with its rule and the world's rule by the Vatican. While references of Rome as in the Zohar has been pointed out in its predictions of world events do indeed refer to the United States, today's Rome; in fact, Rome itself to this day is the center of spiritual contamination and theft of Jewish books and items from the Holy Temple, which is controlled by the Vatican. While it is ironic how the Romans who burned our last Temple and exiled Jews, also hated and persecuted the early Christians, Rome in time became the hotbed and headquarters of the Christian world, especially of the Catholic sect which is the particular sect that clearly idol worships Jesus in contrast to other Christian groups. The Vatican refuses to release our Jewish items, even as it had a part in torturing and murdering Jews in the Holocaust, despite claims of the previous Pope being a friend of the Jews from day one. May it be G-d's will that shortly, this evil force will vanish from the face of this earth, and we Jews will once again have full and total possession of all our Torah writings and Holy Temple items.

Yes, the Romans indeed exiled us in what is called the year 70, as they attempted to destroy the Torah that is represented by the number 70, but shortly after this, Rashbi revealed secrets of the Torah, of which the holiest secrets were the 70 Tikkunim, the 70 rectifications of the Torah which have been ultimately the greatest spiritual force to keep us in existance in our bitter exile of nearly 2,000 years.
As King David, the 33rd generation in parental descent of Adam, composed the Book of Psalms that have accompanied the Jews throughout their long and bitter exile; Rashbi who passed away on Lag BaOmer - the 33rd day of the Omer, composed the Zohar of which it says in its commentary on Parshat Naso, the Parsha of the week in which Shavuot falls out on, (Zohar Volume 3, Page 124) that it is this book through which we will leave the exile in Hashem's mercy for us. And as Moshiach told the Ba'al Shem Tov (also known as the Besht), he will arrive once the Besht's teachings, based on Kabbala, but brought down closer to a person's understading, are spread out in the public.

As a Torah trivia, the MIDDLE letter of the MIDDLE verse of the MIDDLE chapter of the Chumash - Leviticus 4:18 - is the letter AYIN (in the word Moed) - which is the Gematria of SEVENTY. And the MIDDLE letter of the word SEVENTY in Hebrew - Shiv'im, or in Aramaic - Shav'in, is the letter AYIN, and the last three letters of this word in Aramaic spells the word Ayin, which means EYE. Yes, the word EYE is pronounced the same way as the word "I - am the L-rd your G-d..." of the Ten Commandments given on Shavuot, of which the MIDDLE or one of the MIDDLE letters is the letter Ayin.

And on a personal note, both the MIDDLE letter of my name Shimon and my wife's name Yael, is the letter Ayin. And as today is the 41st day of my 41st year, it would be most noteworthy to mention today that the section of the Torah called Bircat Cohanim/Blessing of the Priests (Numbers 6:22-27), read in Parshat Naso during which Shavuot falls out on (is at the end of the 4th Aliyah which was learned by many on this Shavuot as it fell out on the 4th day of the week - learning an Aliyah per day)also recited as the very first Torah following the daily Birchot HaTorah/Blessings for Learning Torah (except for Nusach Ashkenaz which includes only the actual verses of the blessing), consists of exactly 150 letters - corresponding to the 150 Psalms compiled by King David who was born and passed away on Shavuot, and 41 words. Accordingly, the last Parsha of the Torah - V'Zot HaBeracha, consists of 41 verses which concludes with the word Yisroel, also the name of the Ba'al Shem Tov who passed away on Shavuot. And indeed, the word BLOG in Hebrew - using the letters Beit, Lamed, Vav, Gimmel - is the Gematria of 41. And I am writing this at the conclusion of my SEVENTIETH Post of, bearing in mind that my namesake Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai composed SEVENTY Tikkunim, the last of which mentions rabbis learning on the night of Shavuot. What timing!

Before closing, mentioning that today is the 41st day of my 41st year, which is in the 496th month of my life bearing in mind that Malchut is the Gematria of 496, and it was the 49th and last day of the Sephira corresponding to the Sephirah combination
of Malchut She'B'Malchut falling out on my 496th month, I should note that when you multiply 41*41, the total is 1681. Now, breaking down this four digit number a bit, the square root of 1,600 is 40, and the square root of the number 81 is nine. Hence, adding the square roots together - 40 & 9 - to be 49, the number representing the final day of the Sephirah, preparing the Jewish people to accept the Malchut/Kingship of Hashem before giving us the Torah - Malchut She'B'Malchut, just as the number 41 that started this chain number reaction corresponds to the day of the Sephirah - the 41st day of the Sephirah - that represents Yesod She'B'Yesod - Foundation that is within Foundation.

And now that I have concluded my (first) 70 Tikkunim (G-d willing, I will continue blogging though), I want to say that when you type the word "Gematriot" on Google, this blogspot - - is the NUMBER ONE spot out of 5,900 entries! Yes, my blogspot is the KING of Gematriot websites. But don't take my word for it, just go straight to and see for yourself.

G-d willing, hope to post early next week about the biggest group of Jews who uphold the laws of the Torah, called the...

12 Sivan 5770 - End of the Shivat Y'mei Tashlumin - 41st day of my 41st year

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

#69 - Same History Upside Down

Thought of naming this 69th Post - Same Number Upside Down. But then again, there are other numbers that also fit this category, like 96. Whether there is an actual connection of the number 69 with the contents of this post may be possible, but there is no question that what is going on these days in the pre-Messianic era is echoing what happened right before the Exodus.

But first, today was 43 years from the liberation of Jerusalem, which included the holiest area in the world - Temple Mount & Western Wall. I didn't quite have a chance to write about this earlier today, unlike last year when I wrote during the second half of the night of Yom Yerushalayim/Jerusalem Day and some time into the morning writing about this most special day. As it turned out, I have something to share with you that I noticed today when I visited the Western Wall in honor of Jerusalem Day that I can now write about pertaining to the number 44, which will be the main focus of tonight's blog.

As 43 years have passed since the miracles of that miraculous day of 28 Iyar 5727/1967, this date is the 43rd day of the Sephira. Last year, as you can check my blogpost for May 2009 - #29 - JERUSALEM: The END of Our Journey, I focused on the number 43, being that it was the beginning of the 43rd year from the original Jerusalem Day as the 43rd day of the Sephira. While I certainly will not repeat everything from that post, I will bring here only one paragraph to make a connection with something that I want to point out.

"In terms of the last week of the Sefira having a connection with the last day of the week - Shabbat, the Sefer Yetzira, a kabbalistic book describing how Hashem created the world using the letters of the Alef Beit, notes that there are seven letters - Beit, Gimmel, Dalet, Kaf, Pei, Reish & Tav that correspond to the seven days of the week. Thus, the letter Tav, also the last letter of the Alef Beit, corresponds to Shabbat. Now, if you recall in a previous blog where I wrote about the BIG letter Tav in the word VaTichtov - "Esther wrote" referring to the Megilla that Esther wrote to be read on Purim, you will see an intrinsic connection here of the letter Tav as it relates to both Purim, the holiday corresponding to the Sefira of Netzach according to the Vilna Gaon & (Yom) Yerushalayim which is Netzach according to the Talmud (In the Kedusha prayer for Shabbat morning, we ask Hashem when He will be "King in Zion...within Jerusalem Your city and for all eternity" - U'leNeitzach Netzachim). Thus, Tav is intrinsically related to the last week of the Sefira (Also, there are 49 letters in a verse in Psalms 67:5) that correspond to the 49 days of the Sefira. The 43rd letter of this verse is a Tav - corresponding to this 43rd day of the Sefira - Jerusalem Day!)"

The reason that I mention the above paragraph here is that indeed in this past year which was the 43rd year from the liberation of Jerusalem, I was liberated of my single status and married my wife, whose full Hebrew name Yael Miriam is the Gematria of the letter Tav - 400! And our personal connection in meeting each other in connection with Jerusalem is double. Firstly, I had prayers said on my behalf to find a Shidduch/marriage match at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Secondly, the one flyer about myself that I placed in the Old City of Jerusalem - when I placed almost 500 such flyers in another town - was the one flyer that caught my wife's attention when as a resident of another city in Israel, visited the area on the very next day when she saw that flyer, and it was four months after she made that first call that we were together under the Chupa. Indeed, in the LAST of the Sheva Berachot/SEVEN Blessings recited under the Chupa, it states "May we quickly hear in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem, the voices of gladness, happiness, bridegroom and bride..."

And along these lines, this year's Jerusalem Day was the first Jerusalem Day being married. In fact, on Jerusalem Day last year, I didn't even know of my wife's existance. It would be three months before first meeting each other, and if I would have chosen to be a little more picky, I might have still been single today.

Before I graduate from the 43rd year of the liberation of Jerusalem, I want to make one more connection here, something that I was not able to write a year ago when I wrote my post on Jerusalem Day. The day after Jacob married first thinking that it was Rachel who was his bride when it was Leah, his father-in-law Laban told him to celebrate his first week of marriage, and then he could marry "ALSO this one (Rachel)" - GAM Et Zot. Now, when Leah gave birth to her second son Shimon, she declared that Hashem gave her "ALSO this one" - GAM Et Zeh. In both cases, the word
GAM (also) is used - one in reference to marriage and the other to the birth of Shimon, my namesake. And bearing in mind that the word GAM is the Gematria of 43, I got married in the 43rd year from the liberation of Jerusalem.

44 VERSUS 44

Now that it is the 44th President of the United States that is presently in office, and the United States is the country with the world power, it is the number 44 that is presently ruling the world. That is, there is a spiritual force that is controlling the world that is related to this number. And accordingly, we are now in the beginning days of the 44th year from the liberation of Jerusalem. And by the way, tonight as I am writing this blog is the 44th day of the Sephira.

While atheists and critics who mock spirituality in the "real world" can have a field day laughing at blogs such as mine; the recent months, weeks, and days have shown Obama to not only be working on preventing construction in Israel from taking place even in Jerusalem, but now almost half of United States Jews who voted for Obama feel that they were given a real ride here. (Imagine the Yetzer Harah/evil inclination here that still over HALF of the Jews who voted for Obama tell themselves that they made the right decision). Isn't it interesting that while previous presidents of the United States may have put pressure on Israel pertaining to other parts of the Holy Land, Obama is focusing much more of his energies that construction is not happening especially in Jerusalem. And he is very clever. You see, if Obama forbids Jews to build even in their own, holy capitol, because this will offend the Arabs, then certainly there is no reason to build elsewhere because it's questionable if it has as much rights as Jerusalem, where we used to have the Holy Temple.

I have mentioned in my blogs - only G-d knows how many times - about Obama being the Gog that is written about in Ezekiel 38 & 39 as hinted in the Hidden Codes of the Torah. However, as scary as this may be when you read this, what is what I believe that the scariest part of this war of Gog U'Magog is what is mentioned in the beginning of Zechariah 14, what is read as the Haftara on the 1st day of Succot.

"Behold, a day is coming for Hashem, when your spoils will be divided up in your midst. I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem for the war; the city will be captured, the houses will be pillaged and the women will be violated; half of the city will go out into exile..."

Why Jerusalem of all cities? Even if the Arabs don't want to accept Jerusalem in their Jerusalemless Korans, what about the other nations who are supposed to be practicing Christianity who should believe that the Jews would one day return to their homeland, especially Jerusalem, as written in any Bible or Old Testament?

My friends, when it comes to Anti-Semitism, there is NO LOGIC. Read what it says, "I (G-d) will gather ALL the nations to Jerusalem". Yes, G-d has a plan that
He will somehow have ALL the nations to be convinced that the Jews have no say or rights to live in Jerusalem. Yes, the Bible does not lie. Yes, may G-d lessen the tragedies that is written here, but...many of the Jews who live in Jerusalem will have their property taken away and divided among the fighting nations. Yes, homes will be barged into it and totally plundered, like the circumstances in the Holocaust. Yes, Jewish women - and the enemy won't care if they are "religious" women or not - will be raped. And no doubt is that if this a full scale war, very unfortunately, many Jews will die, may G-d spare us the worst. Yes, much bloodshed here.

By the way, I am presently not living in Jerusalem (like I used to live for two and a half years), and moving to Jerusalem is not in my wife's or my near future plans.
To come to think of it, even if I won the lottery today, I would only consider visiting Jerusalem like I did today. Even if I have work in Jerusalem, I know that I can always take the bus home if I hear impending signs of an upcoming war, but people who live there cannot just as easily put pick themselves up overnight and find an alternate place to live.

With this being said, I fear that this war fighing the Jews in Jerusalem will be taking place in this 44th year from the liberation of Jerusalem which will be led by the 44th president of the United States. You see, in a war, two opposing nations always have something in common - their want or need to kill the other nation, which is full scale bloodshed.


This information connecting Obama with Egypt is taken from for April 26, 2010, as a guestpost from Daniel S. I will just write here a few highlights.

The Zohar states that the Anti-Semitic leading world leaders of all time will come back as reincarnates in the generation of the redemption, only to be destroyed once and for all.

Just as it is known that Saddam Hussein who didn't spare his hatred for Jews,said that he was Nebuchadnezar who destroyed the First Temple, and at the end was hung; so too, there are very startling connections between Obama and the Pharaoh who ruled the Jews at the time of the Exodus.

*As recorded in Egyptian history, this Pharaoh (Akhenaten) ruled for four years up until the time of the Exodus - Obama is slated to be president for four years.

*There is a strong resemblance between the mummied recreation of Pharaoh's face and Obama's, as well as other family members of Pharaoh's in comparison to Obama's family members (see for yourself)

*Obama first spoke to the world from Cairo, Egypt. While there, he visited the city El Amarna that Pharaoh built following the drowning of the Egyptians in the Reed Sea of which Pharaoh was the sole survivor.

*Pharaoh's name is the Gematria of 355 plus the word itself making this 356. The name of Barack Obama in Hebrew is the Gematria of 356! (Note: This is taking into account that there is only one Aleph in Obama's name spelled in Hebrew - in other Gematria uses, Obama can have a second Aleph, but both spellings can be read identically the same).


Now, why am I writing this? You see, Dam/Blood was the first of the ten plagues that Hashem spoke Egypt with for refusing to let the Jews leave the country. Now, DAM which can also mean bloodshed, is the Gematria of 44. And the first letters of the Hebrew names of the 10 plagues D"Tzach Adash B"Achab, as mentioned in the Haggadah, has the same Gematria as Barack Hussein Obama - 501! (This is where Obama's family name includes a second Aleph in the Hebrew spelling). Yes, Obama as the reincarnate of Pharaoh wants to take revenge on the Jews, who according to Rabbi Isaac Luria, the leading Kabbalist in the 1500s, are reincarnates in the generation of the redemption of the Jews of the Exodus. Obama's FIRST and primary objective of his 10 objectives corresponding to the 10 plagues that spote him when he was Pharaoh, corresponding to his first plague of DAM/blood, is to bring bloodshed to the Jews in Jerusalem for refusing to listen to him 100% of the way (Stop playing games, Bibi! Obama is not fooled by you playing on both sides of the fence!); and towards this end, as the leader of the world power country, he will order ALL of the nations - regardless of religion or non-religion - to come and fight us in our holy capitol - probably in OUR present 44th year celebrating Jerusalem's liberation.

There are two places in the Bible where the word DAM/blood is mentioned twice right next to each other. The first is in Deutronomy 17:8 "If a matter of judgment(in Jewish law) is hidden from you, between BLOOD AND BLOOD..." Rashi explains that this means between spritually impure blood and spiritually pure blood. The second is in II Chronicles 19:10 where Jehoshaphat, King of Judea, tells the Jewish Supreme Court (unlike today's unSupreme Court in Israel who make rulings against the Torah) in JERUSALEM, "Any case about which there is an argument that is presented to you from your brothers who live in the cities, whether it is between BLOOD AND BLOOD". In this instance, Rashi explains that this is referring to murder. How spooky!


On 24 Nissan, the 9th day of the Omer, I decided to stay home that day from work. Why? To begin with, this Hebrew year spelling the letters Hei Tav Shin Ayin can also read HaTeisha "The Nine". As mentioned in past posts of mine, nine is a number that signifies darkness, particularly as related to Tisha B'Av which is the 9th day of the month of Av that is represented kabbalistically by the letter Teit which is nine. And the 9th plague to smite the Egyptians was darkness. Indeed, Tisha B'Av is the darkest day in the Jewish calendar when some of the greatest tragedies occured to the Jewish people, including the destruction of both Temples. And as we know, there are nine months of pregnancy which concludes with birthpangs. Accordingly, the Chevlei Moshiach "birthpangs/labor pains of tbe Messiah" will take place right before Moshiach comes. In the Hidden Codes of the Torah, I discovered that this final process would begin on Succot 5770, this year of "THE NINE"!

Indeed, on the final day of Succot of this year, Obama who barely was president of the United States for several months, was elected to receive a Nobel peace prize. Logically, there is no logic to this. Most earn this after a long record of showing their peaceful capabilities. As Anti-Semitic as Jimmy Carter, a former president of the United States, is, I would well understand if he would be elected for a peace
prize, even as part of earning it would be because he convinced Israel to give some of its land to Egypt. The only logic for Obama receiving this is that he was politically born on Tisha B'Av in 2004 when he made his first political speech when only a small fraction of the American public barely heard of him. Indeed, this is a true world of darkness.

Now understand the dynamics of the election of the peace prize for Barack Hussein Obama. Through this, he will automatically be viewed as someone who represents the essence of peace, and his word will now be infinitely more respected than ever. And if someone who is viewed as represents peace will tell the world to fight Israel for refusing his demands, then small wonder that ALL the nations will gather together to fight Israel.

With this being said, the 49 days of the Sephira are represented by corresponding 49 combinations of seven Sephirot/Divine Emanations. The NINETH day of the Sephira corresponds to the attribute of Gevurah She'B'Gevurah. Gevurah normally just means strength, but in this instance, it means more like strict judgment. Hence, it is strict judgment that is within strict judgment - which is in fact the strictest of the 49 combinations of the Sephirot.

In a normal year, I don't get all paranoid with this date. However, being that this date was in the year of "THE NINE" with all the negative connotations related to this number, I feared that G-d forbid something could happen to me, or at the very least not be successful with what I would want to accomplish in the way of work on that day.

Personally, I had a negative experience with this number in the beginning of this year. In the first post of this year of 5770, I wrote in detail about the number nine as related to this year in terms of the "labor pains of the Messiah", in reference to which I mentioned the date of 9 Tishrei - the 9th day of the Jewish year - as recorded in the Torah, the day before Yom Kippur. Well, it was during the earlier part of this night which was after Shabbat, I had unusual stomach cramps that made it difficult for me to walk home from the short distance that I was in this synagogue near home. Yes, I felt something like you would call "labor pains". Thank G-d, after a few hours in the midst of taking care of myself, I felt better, and during the day, I felt fine. Being that I have a very strong connection to numbers as you will read on the left side of the beginning of my blog page, I had a very personal experience related to the negativity as related to the number nine, especially as the date of the nineth of Tishrei is mentioned in the Torah. Speaking of which, on this 9th day of the Sephira, I found myself at one point with a very strong cold which sprang on me all of a sudden.

With this said about my personal experience, what about what took place in the world on this 9th day of the Sephira? There was a significant peace of news that indeed happened, in fact, it seemed like it was a good thing that happened. On this day, Obama and the leader of Russia jointly signed a document promising to reduce their respective nuclear arms. And indeed, the Bible does fortell of the time when the nations will stop fighting each other. But, I knew in my heart that there was some sort of tradeoff.

My friends, I think Rabbi Nachman Kahana, brother of murdered Rabbi Meir Kahana, HY"D, may G-d avenge his blood, explained it best. Again referring to, I will have the following copied verbatim, so you will feel the full brunt of what REALLY happened on this day that will serve to be a MAJOR negative force against Jews in the United States.

"In our time, we are again witness to the phenomena whereby HaShem plucks out an unknown personality from "nowhere", and catapults him to the highest position in his land."

"Barack Chussein Obama, whose place of birth is unclear, whose time of study at Columbia University is not recorded in the records of the institution, whose years at Harvard are cloudy - now sits in the Oval Office of the President of the United States. On the 10th of September 2001, if someone would have suggested that a black man with Moslem leanings, who attended the church of a masochistic self-hating pastor, would be the United States’ next president, he would have been considered to be mad."

"And yet it has happened. The hand of God has plucked out this man from nowhere in order to set the next stage for the world’s change of gear in its bumpy ride towards the future."

"It will be a ride where the passengers will witness the United States as the leader of the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic peoples of the world."

"I am not sure if the correct description of the Jews’ situation in America is the slow closing of a window or the quick descent of the guillotine, but with every passing day their situation is more precarious, without their being aware of the shifts."

"The American President and his administration have voiced their intention to reduce the United States’ dependence on nuclear weapons in favor of increasing their conventional weapons option. This will, by necessity, require enlarging army manpower through re-enacting the Selective Service Act."

"As I have often written in the past, your holy sons and daughters will be inducted into the US army for several years; instead of their planned year of study in Eretz Yisrael. Your children will not be permitted to leave the US, even for a visit, from the age of 14 until 28."

"A limit will be placed on the amount of money you will be permitted to withdraw from the United States. Your personal liberties will be infringed upon, to the point that you will all feel caged in."

"On the other hand, the clever and prudent Jews who will leave in time, will find an Eretz Yisrael enjoying an ever increasing per capita income. A land blessed by HaShem, developing in all ways despite the many enemies who are daily frustrated in their attempts to harm us. A land that despite its problems, the satisfaction level of its citizens is among the highest in the world."

"A neighbor just returned from a visit to Brooklyn, New York. He describe the spread of Jewish "colonization" - both Sephardic and Ashkenasic - into the old Italian and Irish neighborhoods, where, as boys, we feared to tread."

"Yeshivot, Shuls, Shtieblich, and all the trappings of Jewish communal life now exist there."

"I can see what the future holds for my well intentioned brothers and sisters who remain there, but I can only cry for them."

"But not as much as our Father in Heaven is crying for them!"

Nachman Kahana

Now mind you, Rabbi Nachman Kahana, a big Torah scholar and the younger brother of Rabbi Meir Kahana who wrote and spoke very strongly about making Aliyah, moved to Israel ten years before Rabbi Meir Kahane. Reading the above, no doubt that he is privy to some crucial details, including the exact ages of the youngsters in the United States who will soon find themselves being trained to serve in the army FOR FOURTEEN YEARS! Yes my friends, G-d forbid, this will be similar to the Jews of over a hundred years ago who were forcibly conscripted into the Russian Army for 25 years until some time in their 40s, all during that time not being married.

Yes indeed, the strictest judgment of wasting fourteen years of Jewish lives without being allowed to even visit Israel! (NOTE: Even if Moshiach comes soon, it doesn't mean that all Jews will be allowed overnight to leave the country they live in. It is precisely during this time that the nations of the world will stupidly make their final attempt to fight us and Moshiach, knowing that this will be their last chance to fight us. This is precisely why it is crucial that ALL Jews who can physically move around get their act together, get the money for airfare in any legal means possible, including borrowing from credit cards, and run out of their respective countries, ESPECIALLY the United States, heading towards Israel. Remember, Moshiach will only take care of Jews who are living in Israel. Moving to Israel is YOUR part).

It was precisely during the NINETH plague of darkness of the 10 plagues that stroke the Egyptians that the Jews who didn't want to leave Egypt who died. While it seems from Rashi and other sources that they physically died, the question can be asked is that even if they died during the days of darkness when the Egyptians wouldn't have known then that some Jews died, wouldn't they have noticed the difference afterwards?

The truth is that I heard from the webowners of that indeed, this was a spiritual death. Just as the Egyptians were smotten with a very thick darkness; so in the spiritual sense, so many Jews who prefered the Egyptian way of life despite the slavery involved as opposed to traveling to Israel were in the midst of spiritual darkness, blinding themselves to what they were supposed to realize as Jews that the exile is not our real place to live but only in Israel, and were thus left to stay in Egypt, eventually dying out as being part of the Jewish people.

Also on this very date of 24 Nissan 5770, the Tekufat Nissan according to the calculations of the Sage Shmuel in the Talmud, took place at 11:39 PM Jerusalem time.
As noted in a Midrash, each of the four Tekufot, or the beginning of the four seasons, is a time that represents some negative thing that took place on or in connection with that Tekufah/period. It was on Tekufat Nissan that Moses hit the rock to bring forth water instead of speaking to it as Hashem told him to do, the result of which was that Hashem did not allow Moses to enter Israel. Hence, it is mentioned in Halacha/Jewish Law not to drink water during this time of the beginning of each Tekufah. And as we know, water represents the aspect of Chesed/Kindness as opposed to fire that represents the aspect of Gevurah/Strict Judgment. What a combination of Gevurah that took place on this day, especially in this year. Wow!


Here I am writing on the 44th day of the Sephira about the 44th president of the United States and the 44th year from the liberation of Jerusalem.

In Hebrew, the words for the number 44 is Arba'ah V'Arbaim, which literally means "four and forty". Now if you look in the Hebrew, these two words have a total of 12 letters. Out of these 12 letters, HALF of them will spell...Obama's family name using the letters Aleph Vav Beit Aleph Mem Hei - including the first and last letters of these two words! And it is on this day that the combinaton Sephira is Gevurah She'B'Malchut - "Strict Judgment within Kingship". Indeed, the ultimate revelaton of strict judgment as it relates to being "king", the leader of the world leading country as the FORTY FOURTH president of the United States!

As you will see in many Siddurim/prayer books that for each of the 49 days of the Sephirah, there is a corresponding letter taken from Psalms 67:5 consisting of 49 letters, BOTH the 9th day & the 44th day have the corresponding letter Noon, which equals 50. According to Obama's claims, he was supposedly born in Hawaii, which is the 50th and LAST state of the United States. What is perhaps even more interesting,
is that in his cover up for where he was REALLY born, there are conflicting reports based on what his own sister claims, that there is a discrepancy as to which one of two hospitals he was supposedly born in. But the ultimate significant thing here is that his smokescreen for his claim to the presidency as a "natural born citizen" is his claim of being born in Hawaii. He took the oath of office on January 20, 2009, in the midst of the FIFTIETH year from when Hawaii, the FIFTIETH state, became a state on August 21, 1959, where he falsely claims he was born in (when he was really born in Kenya).

Indeed, the word Tamei - spiritually impure, as mentioned earlier in reference to blood, is the Gematria of 50. As mentioned by our Rabbis, had the Jews remained in Egypt for even a moment longer, they would have been drawn into the FIFTIETH level of impurity from which it would have been spiritually impossible to ever get out of. Indeed, Obama - the reincarnate of Pharaoh who ruled Egypt during the Exodus, claims his TAMEI/impure - the Gematria of FIFTY - spiritual powers from his claims to birth in the FIFTIETH state. (No American President has yet to have been born in this state). And the fact that he really wasn't born there doesn't really matter - it's his claim of being born there that brought him to be the leader of the United States - plain and simple!

Yes, there is a connection of the number 69, the number of this post, to here. You see, in the Aramaic phrase of Sitra Achara/Other Side which is another name for SPIRITUAL IMPURITY, the first two letters of this phrase is Samech Teit, which is the number 69! And indeed, it was in the Hebrew year of 5769 ending with this number
that Obama got elected and took the oath of office. What is also significant here is that the phrase of Sitra Achara is in Aramaic. The Hebrew word for Aramaic is Aramai, similar to the word Ramai/trickster.

It is only now that many Jews who voted for Obama are beginning to realize that Obama indeed was nothing but a trickster, the very word that describes Laban, Jabob's father-in-law, whose name means WHITE, reminding one of the WHITE House, which is for the first time in United States history being run by someone who is black (though technically "half" black). Indeed, our Rabbis comment that Laban reached a new level of a spiritual low in the sense that until his days, people who committed sins at least didn't pretend that their sins were good, upright deeds until he came along and made sins look like white. In this way, Obama indeed can be said about his way of doing things as president is unlike what all the previous presidents of the United States did things. Yes, some of them did wrong things, but they didn't act in the clever way that Obama is behaving.


In the entrance room left of the Western Wall, included there is the Tehillim/Book of Psalms on parchment that is guarded by glass, but can be rolled to anywhere within this Tehillim. I don't know how long it was left the way it was when I noticed it, but curious to see what it was on, I noticed that it basically was showing the 44th Psalm. While there is no why for me to know for sure why it rolled particularly on this Psalm, being that today was the beginning of the 44th year from the liberation of Jerusalem which included the Western Wall, a few minutes later, someone came and rolled it to another part of the Tehillim.

Psalm 44, as mentioned by commentaries, laments bitterly of this bitter exile, including mentioning of how we Jews used to have it very good and that we lost it, with a request that we will once again be returned to the state that we once had our virtual utopian existance. Yes, Jews in the United States who are presently under the dictatorship of the 44th president Barack Hussein Obama have to realize that they are indeed living in a bitter exile - spiritually, and soon to be proven physically; and if they want to live a better life, they need to return to Hashem, including returning to our long-awaited homeland, and then they can hope to be returned to the best life possible.

To note, this anniversary date of Yom Yerushalayim in this year fell out on the same day of the week as when the miraculous day took place - on Wednesday (4th day of the week). The Shir Shel Yom/Psalm for this day of the week is Psalm 94, which was the very last Psalm that the Levites in the First Temple sang, right before the Babylonian forces took control and burned the Temple on that day of Tisha B'Av. It it mentioned in Midrash Me'Am Loaz that had the Levites would have been able to have finished the Psalm, the Temple would not have been destroyed. But in any case, being that I mentioned earlier that Obama was politically born on Tisha B'Av, our Rabbis tell us that Hashem sends us the cure before the blow. Thus, it is significant that this 44th year from Jerusalem's liberation began first of all on the same day of the week as when the liberation took place; but also, it is this very psalm that the Levites almost finished when the Temple was destroyed that ends off with "May Hashem our G-d cut them off (our enemies)".

And as per what I wrote a little earlier about spiritual impurity, Obama's first political speech was his endorsement of then Democratic candidate John Kerry. As it turns out, the name Kerry in Hebrew - Koof Reish Yud - spells the very word related to sexual impurity! And speaking of Obama as the reincarnate of Pharaoh king of Egypt, the Torah tells us that the Egyptians were full of sexual perversions.

And as far as Bibi Netanyahu is concerned, who is more like a baby (Baby Bibi) showing a lack of trust in Hashem, lack of use of leadership skills and is afraid of what Obama and other world leaders will react to his ever slightest consent of construction even within confined areas in Jerusalem, will find at the end that it will all be in vein, and ALL the nations of the world, as predicted in the Bible, will not only cry bloody murder, they will come to perform bloody murder on us Jews, may G-d spare us the worst. And worst of all for Bibi, he will forever go down in history and in Gehinnom/Hell as one who endangered Jews in the name of politics, power, and money. Isn't it interesting that his nickname Bibi spells this year's secular year twice? In Hebrew, the number 2010 is spelled as Beit Yud, where the Beit assumes the Gematria of 2,000, as opposed to the usual value of the number two, and the Yud is 10, hence 2,010, which is repeated twice in his nickname. What this signifies is that to begin with, he lives a non-Jewish lifestyle of not keeping the Torah (though he does have a daughter from a previous marriage who is in fact living as an observant Jewess); and secondly, he shows major fear of the non-Jewish world who lives according to the Christian calendar which shows the number 2010 as the number of the secular year. And it is in THIS secular year in which he is showing this the most between fearing Obama more than ever and not doing anything in the offensive to prevent an attack from Iran when he is more afraid of what the world would say if Israel would attack first.

Let's hope that indeed, the conclusion of the "labor pains of the Messiah" will conclude in this Hebrew year of 5770, as Moses predicted as being the year of the end of the troubles of the Jewish people as hinted in the Talmudic Tractate of Berachot on the first Parsha of the Book of Exodus, as I wrote about in a previous blog a few months ago. And in the wording of the date of Tisha B'Av, it can be reread using the same letters as B'Av Hei Tav Shin Ayin - In Av (or 2 Av) 5770 (the word Tisha itself when rearranging this word spells this very year of 5770!) And as mentioned in Talmudic literature, Moshiach was born on the day that the Temple was destroyed. Meaning, that the potential of Moshiach coming even on the very day that the Temple was destroyed already existed. It is only up to us to start listening to what the Torah is telling us to do, and then we will have no reason to fear what the nations of the world will say or do.

In conclusion, I want to point out one more thing related to the 49 days of the Sephira. There is a another prayer that we say in connection to counting the Sephira - the famed Kabbalistic prayer called Ana B'Ko-ach. It consists of 42 words and after each phrase of six words, there is an acronym written in the Siddur/prayer book of each corresponding phrase. Hence, there are a total of 49 words/acronyms that correspond to the 49 Sephira days. Hence, the 44th day of the Sephira corresponds to the word Kabel/accept of the Ana B'Ko-ach prayer. This word is in the phrase that reads "ACCEPT our outcry and hear our screaming - the knower of hidden things". As it turns out, this word KABEL is the Gematria of 132, a multiple of 44 three times, or 44*3! Indeed, in this year, the number 44 displays itself three times simultaneously - the 44th day of the Sephira falls out on the 44th year from the liberation of Jerusalem, in the midst of the leadership of the 44th president of the world leading country.

While some Jews focus on the three middle letters of Jerusalem - U.S.A., the rest of us who will have trust in Hashem instead of Obama can indeed hope that Hashem will ACCEPT our outcry. Indeed, we are days away from the holiday of Shavuot - the day of KABBALAT HATORAH - our ACCEPTANCE & receiving of the Torah, which is the 50th day from Sephirat HaOmer, the Sephira count, which will counteract the spiritual impurity as implied by the word Tamei which is the Gematria of 50. Perhaps the all time irony about Obama is that he is misuing Hawaii - the 50th State - for his own purposes of being the president of the United States claiming that he was born there when he wasn't, wants to control Israel by forbidding Jews to build in their own capital city Jerusalem who have been its sole owners for a few thousand years. Jerusalem is in fact called Ir David, the city of King David - who was born and passed away on Shavuot - whose name in Hebrew is the Gematria of 14, and Noon which is the Gematria of 50 is the 14th letter of the Alef Beit. May Moshiach, a descendant of King David, soon reveal himself, and show that Hashem is the Ultimate Boss, Who will take us out of the impurities of exile, just like He took out of Egypt with a YAD(=14) Chazaka - "Strong HAND", and then we Jews will live once and for all in ALL of our Land of Israel.

G-d willing, I will be writing right before Shavuot of next week about the positive side of this year as related to the number...(you can guess what is next)

29 Iyar 5770, 44th day of the Sephira